Oil Painting Techniques: Still Life on Paper

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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
2 hours
14 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Remi Cárdenas

Oil paint is gentle in nature, and vivid in color. When combined with proper techniques and the right medium, the results can be astonishing. Artist Remi Cárdenas uses paper and cardboard to find the right balance between oil paint and the medium.

Discover how to create a picturesque world with oil paint. Remi takes you on an artistic journey to paint a still life painting on a carefully prepared paper medium. Create beautiful artwork by exploring color theory and painting techniques.


Discover the colorful world of oil paint by learning essential techniques on a practical medium

Begin by getting to know Remi. He shares his artistic background and how he fell in love with painting. Hear about the painters who influence his work and other sources of inspiration.

Get a quick overview of the chemistry behind oil paint before preparing your paper or cardboard medium with an isolating coat. Remi goes through different paint brushes and how they react differently to a series of mediums. Review some color theory, choose your color palette, then learn about hue, value, and chroma.

Set up your workspace by putting together a still life scene to paint. Create the composition of your painting by outlining the larger objects from your scene. Applying the color theory from the previous lesson, fill in the objects with your color palette without worrying about the details yet. Remi then guides you step-by-step to define the soft and hard edges. Add the final touches to your artwork by painting the finer details.

After finishing your painting, hear Remi’s tips on the upkeep of your painting on paper. He discusses different options like varnish or mounting your painting in a frame. Wrap up the course by seeing how Remi keeps his paintings free from scratches and the special places he keeps his artwork.

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