In this article, we cover the path to full-stack developer step by step. MERN stands for MongoDB, Express, React, and Node. Keep reading, and you'll get to the point!
1. Learn HTML & CSS
HTML & CSS are the so-called "core vitals" on which web development bases. HTML is a hypertext markup language that provides your website structure, while CSS is the language that describes your website's style. The best place to learn HTML & CSS is Udemy, Coursera, and freeCodeCamp — these platforms offer high-quality content.
2. Learn Javascript
Learn the basics of Javascript, which makes your website interactive. Later on, you will be able to do almost everything with Javascript — frontend, backend, browser games, and more. We have amazing fundamental courses on Javascript for you to try.
3. Learn a CSS framework
These days, more and more people lean towards the Tailwind CSS framework, which offers a flexible way to build website applications, but assumes knowledge of CSS. Another option is an excellent old framework called Bootstrap, which provides a lot of ready-to-production elements, but lacks modern features for frontend optimization. For the beginner's level better to start with Bootstrap initially, then transcend to the Tailwind.
4. Learn a frontend framework (React, Vue, Svelte)
The frontend framework is great for making interactive and complex applications, with all the modern solutions out-of-the-box. We recommend starting with React or Vue.js as the most popular frameworks required in the market.
- React and its Ecosystem - A Complete Beginner's Guide
- Vue.js: Learning the basics by building a movie web app
5. Dive into advanced Javascript
At this point, you should better start learning advanced JS concepts — asynchronous JS, prototypes, etc. Also, it's highly recommended applying for a good course or get a mentor.
- Learn Intermediate JavaScript
- Essentials in JavaScript ES6 - A Fun and Clear Introduction
- The Full JavaScript & ES6 Tutorial - (including ES7 & React)
- Asynchronous JavaScript: Promises, Callbacks, Async Await
6. Learn Node.js and Express
At this moment, it is time to get into the world of the modern backend. In this world reigns Javascript with its Node.js (runtime) and Express (framework) that are used to build the backend. It will not be an easy road and will take some time. The most valuable advice here is not to skip any concept. Don't rush here. Advance at your own pace.
7. Learn API
Learn the concepts of REST and FETCH API. This knowledge will help you establish a connection between the frontend and the server.
Node.js and Express REST API with Real World Projects8. Learn databases with MongoDB and Mongoose
In the MERN stack, instead of MySQL or PostgreSQL, we use MongoDB as the database. You need to study the most popular commands and queries, and next to learn Mongoose make MongoDB and Express server work together. We have some quality courses on this topic here
Full stack Universal React with Redux, Node js and MongoDB9. Learn GIT and GitHub
Git is a version control system that helps us track all the changes to the files we have done for any period. Git is a very powerful and crucial instrument which you're going to use all your career as a developer, so the earlier, the better.
Learn Git & GitHub10. Learn a CSS preprocessor
CSS is not very flexible and powerful without preprocessors despite new versions. Go on and learn Sass preprocessor. It's good to have a basic understanding of this tool.
11. Learn about Cloud Platforms
You should be proficient with cloud platforms, like AWS (by Amazon) and Google Cloud.
AWS Cloud Concepts12. Learn CI/CD
CI/CD stands for Continuous Integration / Continuous Development. It is the apex of all of the coding you do before releasing a product. There are plenty of tools, such as Jenkins, TeamCity, Buddy, and GitLab.
Build a React & Redux App w/ CircleCI CI/CD, AWS & Terraform