
DataCamp is an interactive learning platform that allows you to master data science, statistics, and ML (machine learning) skills. With over 10,000 users a month, DataCamp offers courses on R, Python, Sheets, SQL, and Unix shell. Each course consists of multiple videos, coding challenges, and special projects.
Total courses: 366

Sampling is a cornerstone of inference statistics and hypothesis testing. It's tremendously important in survey analysis and experimental design. This course explains when and why sampling is important, teaches you how to perform common types...

  • Datacamp
  • Flexible deadline
  • 4 hours
  • Certificate

Supply Chain Analytics transforms supply chain activities from guessing, to ones that makes decision using data. An essential tool in Supply Chain Analytics is using optimization analysis to assist in decision making. According to Deloitte,...

  • Datacamp
  • Flexible deadline
  • 4 hours
  • Certificate

Add sentiment analysis to your text mining toolkit! Sentiment analysis is used by text miners in marketing, politics, customer service and elsewhere. In this course you will learn to identify positive and negative language, specific...

  • Datacamp
  • Flexible deadline
  • 4 hours
  • Certificate

Get ready to have some fun with maps! Interactive Maps with leaflet in R will give you the tools to make attractive and interactive web maps using spatial data and the tidyverse. In this course,...

  • Datacamp
  • Flexible deadline
  • 4 hours
  • Certificate

One of the most important tasks of a data scientist is to understand the relationships between their data's physical location and their geographical context. In this course you'll be learning to make attractive visualizations of...

  • Datacamp
  • Flexible deadline
  • 4 hours
  • Certificate

The rise of machine learning (almost sounds like "rise of the machines"? ) and applications of statistical methods to marketing have changed the field forever. Machine learning is being used to optimize customer journeys which...

  • Datacamp
  • Flexible deadline
  • 4 hours
  • Certificate

Once you've started learning tools for building interactive web applications with shiny, this course will translate this knowledge into building dashboards. Dashboards, a common data science deliverable, are pages that collate information, often tra...

  • Datacamp
  • Flexible deadline
  • 4 hours
  • Certificate

Churn is when a customer stops doing business or ends a relationship with a company. It’s a common problem across a variety of industries, from telecommunications to cable TV to SaaS, and a company that...

  • Datacamp
  • Flexible deadline
  • 4 hours
  • Certificate

Linear algebra is one of the most important set of tools in applied mathematics and data science. In this course, you’ll learn how to work with vectors and matrices, solve matrix-vector equations, perform eigenvalue/eigenvector analyses...

  • Datacamp
  • Flexible deadline
  • 4 hours
  • Certificate

This course will help you take your data visualization skills beyond the basics and hone them into a powerful member of your data science toolkit. Over the lessons we will use two interesting open datasets...

  • Datacamp
  • Flexible deadline
  • 4 hours
  • Certificate

Spreadsheets often suffer from having too much data. If you want to tell the underlying story that is in the data without creating additional reports, conditional formatting can help! Whether it's showing the age of...

  • Datacamp
  • Flexible deadline
  • 4 hours
  • Certificate

There has never been a better time to use R for spatial analysis! The sf package has made working with vector data in R a breeze and the raster package provides a set of powerful...

  • Datacamp
  • Flexible deadline
  • 4 hours
  • Certificate

Linear regression serves as a workhorse of statistics, but cannot handle some types of complex data. A generalized linear model (GLM) expands upon linear regression to include non-normal distributions including binomial and count data. Throughout...

  • Datacamp
  • Flexible deadline
  • 4 hours
  • Certificate

Great data visualization is the cornerstone of impactful data science. Visualization helps you to both find insight in your data and share those insights with your audience. Everyone learns how to make a basic scatter...

  • Datacamp
  • Flexible deadline
  • 4 hours
  • Certificate

Simulations are a class of computational algorithms that use the relatively simple idea of random sampling to solve increasingly complex problems. Although they have been around for ages, they have gained in popularity recently due...

  • Datacamp
  • Flexible deadline
  • 4 hours
  • Certificate

Linear regression and logistic regression are the two most widely used statistical models and act like master keys, unlocking the secrets hidden in datasets. In this course, you’ll build on the skills you gained in...

  • Datacamp
  • Flexible deadline
  • 4 hours
  • Certificate

Much of the biological research, from medicine to biotech, is moving toward sequence analysis. We are now generating targeted and whole genome big data, which needs to be analyzed to answer biological questions. To help...

  • Datacamp
  • Flexible deadline
  • 4 hours
  • Certificate

A typical organization loses an estimated 5% of its yearly revenue to fraud. In this course, you will learn how to fight fraud by using data. For example, you'll learn how to apply supervised learning...

  • Datacamp
  • Flexible deadline
  • 4 hours
  • Certificate

Have you ever wondered how to properly prepare for a Machine Learning Interview? Of course you have or you likely wouldn't be reading this right now! In this course, students will prepare to answer 15...

  • Datacamp
  • Flexible deadline
  • 4 hours
  • Certificate

Imagine being able to handle data where the response variable is either binary, count, or approximately normal, all under one single framework. Well, you don't have to imagine. Enter the Generalized Linear Models in Python...

  • Datacamp
  • Flexible deadline
  • 5 hours
  • Certificate