Programming apps for iPhone

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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
2 hours
23 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Valentí Freixanet Genís

In this course of Valentí Freixanet, expert developer in mobile applications, you will learn how to program an iPhone app natively. You will learn step by step the native language of iPhone (ObjetiveC) and the Software Development kit of Apple (Xcode). You will learn to create an application from scratch without the need to have previous programming experience.


Native development of an app for iPhone and basic concepts

You will start getting to know Valentí Freixanet's work and its influences a little better.

Then you will perform the first tests with Xcode. For this Valentí will guide you step by step through the iPhone simulator and the Interface Builder until you create your first "Hello World".

Once you know how to create buttons, text boxes, images, labels, etc. It will be time to define your own application. You will set the screens that will compose it, the menu and all the details until the Front End until it is ready to be published.

Before showing it to the world, Valentí will teach you how to put an icon that represents it, the necessary technical details and the publication interface.

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