Coursera is one of the largest online learning platforms in the world, with over 45 million registered users. They offer courses and learning opportunities from some of the best universities and professors in the world, from the comfort of your own home. The platform is designed to help people grow personally and professionally, both for those just starting in their careers and for those who are established professionals looking to expand their knowledge base.
Total courses: 1422
Share Data Through the Art of Visualization

Describe the use of data visualizations to talk about data and the results of data analysisIdentify Tableau as a data visualization tool and understand its usesExplain what data driven stories are including reference to their...

  • Coursera
  • Flexible deadline
  • 24 hours
  • Certificate
Data Analysis with R Programming

Describe the R programming language and its programming environmentExplain the fundamental concepts associated with programming in R including functions, variables, data types, pipes, and vectorsDescribe the options for generating visualizations in R...

  • Coursera
  • Flexible deadline
  • 37 hours
  • Certificate
Databases and SQL for Data Science with Python

Analyze data within a database using SQL and Python. Create a relational database on Cloud and work with tables. Compare and contrast DDL to DML. WriteSQL statements including SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE.

  • Coursera
  • Flexible deadline
  • 39 hours
  • Certificate
Sequence Models

In the fifth course of the Deep Learning Specialization, you will become familiar with sequence models and their exciting applications such as speech recognition, music synthesis, chatbots, machine translation, natural language processing (NLP), and...

  • Coursera
  • Flexible deadline
  • 41 hours
  • Certificate
Google Cloud Big Data and Machine Learning Fundamentals

Identify the purpose and value of the key Big Data and Machine Learning products in Google Cloud. Use Cloud SQL and Dataproc to migrate existing MySQL and Hadoop/Pig/Spark/Hive workloads to Google Cloud. Employ BigQuery to...

  • Coursera
  • Flexible deadline
  • 12 hours
  • Certificate
Convolutional Neural Networks in TensorFlow

Handle real-world image dataPlot loss and accuracyExplore strategies to prevent overfitting, including augmentation and dropoutLearn transfer learning and how learned features can be extracted from models

  • Coursera
  • Flexible deadline
  • 18 hours
  • Certificate
Build Basic Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs)

In this course, you will: - Learn about GANs and their applications - Understand the intuition behind the fundamental components of GANs - Explore and implement multiple GAN architectures - Build conditional GANs capable of...

  • Coursera
  • Flexible deadline
  • 36 hours
  • Certificate
Data Science Methodology

Describe what a methodology is and why data scientists need a methodology. Describe the six stages in the Cross Industry Process for Data Mining (CRISP-DM) methodology including Business Understanding and Data Understanding. Describe some of...

  • Coursera
  • Flexible deadline
  • 8 hours
  • Certificate
Machine Learning with Python

Give examples of Machine Learning in various industries. Outline the steps machine learning uses to solve problems. Provide examples of various techniques used in machine learning. Describe the Python libraries for Machine Learning.

  • Coursera
  • Flexible deadline
  • 22 hours
  • Certificate
Google Data Analytics Capstone: Complete a Case Study

Differentiate between a capstone, case study, and a portfolioIdentify the key features and attributes of a completed case studyApply the practices and procedures associated with the data analysis process to a given set of dataDiscuss...

  • Coursera
  • Flexible deadline
  • 8 hours
  • Certificate
Natural Language Processing with Probabilistic Models

Use dynamic programming, hidden Markov models, and word embeddings to implement autocorrect, autocomplete & identify part-of-speech tags for words.

  • Coursera
  • Flexible deadline
  • 31 hours
  • Certificate
Data Analysis with Python

Describe Python data acquisition and analysis techniques. Analyze Python data using a dataset. Identify three Python libraries and describe their uses. Read data using Python's Pandas package.

  • Coursera
  • Flexible deadline
  • 15 hours
  • Certificate
Natural Language Processing in TensorFlow

Build natural language processing systems using TensorFlowProcess text, including tokenization and representing sentences as vectorsApply RNNs, GRUs, and LSTMs in TensorFlowTrain LSTMs on existing text to create original poetry and more

  • Coursera
  • Flexible deadline
  • 15 hours
  • Certificate
Python Project for Data Science

Demonstrate your Skills in Python - the language of choice for Data Science and Data AnalysisApply Python fundamentals, Python data structures, and working with data in PythonPlay the role of a Data Scientist / Data...

  • Coursera
  • Flexible deadline
  • 7 hours
  • Certificate
Introduction to Machine Learning

This course will provide you a foundational understanding of machine learning models (logistic regression, multilayer perceptrons, convolutional neural networks, natural language processing, etc. ) as well as demonstrate how these models can solve co...

  • Coursera
  • Flexible deadline
  • 26 hours
  • Certificate
Mathematics for Machine Learning: Linear Algebra

In this course on Linear Algebra we look at what linear algebra is and how it relates to vectors and matrices. Then we look through what vectors and matrices are and how to work with...

  • Coursera
  • Flexible deadline
  • 19 hours
  • Certificate
Introduction to Data Science in Python

Understand techniques such as lambdas and manipulating csv filesDescribe common Python functionality and features used for data scienceQuery DataFrame structures for cleaning and processingExplain distributions, sampling, and t-tests

  • Coursera
  • Flexible deadline
  • 31 hours
  • Certificate
Sequences, Time Series and Prediction

Solve time series and forecasting problems in TensorFlowPrepare data for time series learning using best practicesExplore how RNNs and ConvNets can be used for predictionsBuild a sunspot prediction model using real-world data

  • Coursera
  • Flexible deadline
  • 14 hours
  • Certificate
Machine Learning Modeling Pipelines in Production

Apply techniques to manage modeling resources and best serve batch and real-time inference requests. Use analytics to address model fairness, explainability issues, and mitigate bottlenecks.

  • Coursera
  • Flexible deadline
  • 26 hours
  • Certificate
Process Mining: Data science in Action

Process mining is the missing link between model-based process analysis and data-oriented analysis techniques. Through concrete data sets and easy to use software the course provides data science knowledge that can be applied directly to...

  • Coursera
  • Flexible deadline
  • 22 hours
  • Certificate