Worldbuilding: Discover the Fantasy Narrative

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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
3 hours
13 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Alberto Chimal

Create your own fictional world from scratch and watch all the stories you could possibly imagine come to life. The world's your oyster, or clam... You decide! Delve into narrative genres such as science fiction, supernatural horror, and fantasy alongside novel and short story writer Alberto Chimal.

In his first course, Alberto gives you an introduction to narrative writing, and in this one he teaches you the basics of worldbuilding: the invention and preparation of a narrated world, in other words, the surroundings you invent that can be used as a base to create as many stories as you like in whatever medium, such as novels, comics, movies, podcasts, or video games.


Learn to create fictional worlds, from the environment to the characters and time period, for your novels, comics, movies, podcasts or video games

Start the course by getting to know Alberto, who talks about three pieces of his work in which he uses fictional worlds, his creative process, and his greatest artistic influences.

Learn what worldbuilding is exactly and all you need to start creating your fictional world. Tackle basic concepts like characters, time, and space before moving on to the genre of the story. Then, take a more detailed look at the work materials with Alberto.

Start by thinking about stories within the world of fiction and the genre you have chosen. Discover some tools for organizing all your ideas and make a general guidebook containing the timeline and characters. Create an outline of the story with a plot.

Alberto shows you how to create different resources for your world's guidebook such as architectural designs, clothing, animated sequences, musical compositions, and much more. Finally, put the finishing touches on your first ever worldbuilding narrative project.

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