Transforming Your Creative Ideas into Personal Projects

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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
2 hours
15 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Ji Lee

Comfort is the killer of creativity and this online course is the killer of comfort. In this course, you’ll learn a few simple creative exercises designed to help you break your routine and find inspiration in your surroundings. Turn your ideas into personal projects that will reawaken your will to create.

Guiding you through this journey will be Ji Lee, an independent designer and artist who currently works as Instagram and Facebook’s Creative Director, and whose projects have appeared in publications such as The New York Times, BBC, ABC News, The Guardian, and Wired. Additionally, Ji gives talks all around the world about the transformative power of personal projects.

If you’re looking for a way to step out of your comfort zone, and have your ideas be seen by millions of people through the internet and social media, you’re in the right place.


Find inspiration through simple creative exercises and turn your ideas into shareable stories

You’ll start by getting to know Ji Lee, his professional background and some of the personal projects he’s been involved in. He’ll guide you through some of the artists that influence him on a daily basis, as well as the artists who always receive a ‘like’ from him on Instagram.

Ji will encourage you to walk around your block trying to find interesting things to photograph, as an exercise to discover things you didn’t notice before. You’ll also alter photos with drawings to transform them into something else. The goal is to awaken your curiosity and bring you the joy of making things using your creativity.

Next up, you’ll use your talents and skills —whether it’s cooking, drawing, writing, or whatever else— to make something nice for someone special in your life. You’ll learn that personal projects made by passion, not for profit, often take on a life of their own and end up resulting in a creative growth you could have never foreseen.

For the final part of this course, you’ll learn how to package and name your personal projects before turning them into great stories that you can send to media outlets for publication. Ji will give you tips to make the whole process easier and more straightforward.

Transforming Your Creative Ideas into Personal Projects
  • English language

  • Recommended provider

  • Certificate available