Top Python and Ruby Programming Bundle


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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
4 hours
58 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
John Elder
  • Python From Beginner To Advanced
  • Ruby From Beginner To Advanced
  • Programming Concepts Applicable To Any Programming Language
  • Object Oriented Programming
  • Variables, and Data Types
  • Conditional If/Else & Comparisons
  • While and For Loops
  • Functions, Modules, & Classes


Python Programming and Ruby Coding are popular for a reason! Become a Software, Coder, Web Developer, Or Hacker Today

In this course we'll learn the Python 3 programming language and the Ruby programming language from an absolute Beginner level all the way to Advanced in no time at all!

This course is aimed at the absolute beginner, you don't need any coding experience at all!

We'll start out by setting downloading and installing Python and the Sublime Text Editor - both for free. This will give you all the tools you need to start writing and running Python code. 

For Ruby, we'll use a free online development environment (or you can download Ruby yourself onto your computer).

Then, we'll dive into very basic computer science concepts. Things like:

  • Printing to the Screen
  • String Manipulation
  • Variables
  • Data Types (lists, tuples, dictionaries and more)
  • Simple Math
  • Comparison Operators
  • Assignment Operators

After that, we'll move into more intermediate topics like:

  • Conditional If/Else Statements
  • While Loops
  • For Loops
  • Fizzbuzz

Finally we'll finish up with more advanced topics like:

  • Functions
  • Modules
  • Classes

We'll learn all of those things for both Python and Ruby. We'll start with Python, and then move over to Ruby in the second half of the course.

Python and Ruby are two of the greatest programming languages to learn, and learning has never been this easy!

I'll see you on the inside!

-John Elder

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