Studio Pass: Periphery

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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
10 hours
40 lessons
Course author
Adam "Nolly" Getgood, Matt Halpern
  • 40 Video lessons in HD
  • 10h 24m of class content
  • Exclusive bonus content
  • Lifetime access, anywhere, anytime
  • Streaming access on desktop and mobile browsers
  • Download and offline access with class purchase
  • Offline sync with our iPhone & iPad apps
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee


Periphery is one of the most influential bands in the progressive rock/metal scene. They’re known not just for being great players with great songs, but also self-producing their most recent double album “Juggernaut.” In this class, you’ll get an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at exactly how they did it, lead by Periphery bassist/producer Adam “Nolly” Getgood and drummer Matt Halpern.

First, they’ll track drums live in the studio, showcasing some of the techniques Nolly uses to capture Matt’s unique, nuanced performances. They’ll cover their approach to tuning, mic selection, mic positioning, and some of their own tricks for handling mic bleed and other common challenges.

Next, they’ll walk through a complete mix using an actual session from “Juggernaut” and the drum tracks they just recorded. They’ll cover their overall approach to mixing, then go into detail on approaches for compression, EQ, and effects for every instrument.

This class will also include all of the samples that Matt and Nolly record live on the air available to download along with a bonus video of Nolly showing how to mic a guitar cabinet using the technique that he used to get the guitar tones on the Juggernaut album.

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