Strategy and Research for Brands and Personal Projects

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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
1 hour
13 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Carolina Zakrajsek

Whether selling a product or launching a personal project, prior research is always necessary for defining an effective communication strategy. Carolina Zakrajsek is a strategy and market research consultant who has worked for agencies like DDB, TBWA, and Grey to help brands such as Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Claro, and various start-ups achieve their goals.

In this course, learn to define key strategic elements for a new or existing brand, whether a product, service, or personal project. Caroline explains how to set goals, study your public, analyze the competition, and measure your success, step by step.


Learn the processes and tools to build a communication framework that fits your brand strategy

Start the course by getting to know Carolina. She talks about her studies, her career in Argentina, the USA, and Colombia working alongside global, regional, and local brands. She also shares her main influences and sources of inspiration.

Look at the characteristics, differences, and common ground between the creative and strategic sides of your work and why combining the two is the key to establishing solid foundations for the entire project. From here, begin to outline your project by defining a few of its concepts.

Discover what a goal is, its purpose, how to develop it, and why it's essential for any strategy. Study the difference between business goals and communication goals, and learn to measure their success using KPIs.

Your product and the communication you establish must be based on what people are looking for, and as such, Carolina explains how to get to know your public, target market, and the importance of defining these within your strategy. Also explore how to find insights through research.

Now it's time to put your strategy together! Compile all your information and select the most important parts to include in a master document, and later, in the brief that will kick start the creative process.

Strategy and Research for Brands and Personal Projects
  • English language

  • Recommended provider

  • Certificate available