Retouching & Adobe Photoshop Techniques

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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
13 hours
28 lessons
Course author
Lindsay Adler
  • 28 Video lessons in HD
  • 13h 19m of class content
  • Exclusive bonus content
  • Lifetime access, anywhere, anytime
  • Streaming access on desktop and mobile browsers
  • Download and offline access with class purchase
  • Offline sync with our iPhone & iPad apps
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee


Learn in-depth techniques for retouching images to perfection, helping your clients look their best, and expressing your creative vision! Whether retouching skin, whitening teeth or reshaping body features, Adobe® Photoshop® allows you to perfect reality as well as express your creative vision. In this workshop portrait and fashion photographer, Lindsay Adler will cover essential retouching techniques and teach how Adobe Photoshop allows you to make the impossible possible! Lindsay will cover countless creative Adobe Photoshop techniques: creating porcelain skin, changing colors, displacement maps, adding textures, adding makeup in Adobe Photoshop, quick retouching plugins, and dozens of other techniques you can apply to your own photography.

Let Adobe Photoshop become your next realm of creative expression through this workshop. Lindsay will also include a couple live shoots and live retouches so you can see an image start to finish and learn the nuances between a portrait, beauty or avant-garde retouch.


Adobe Photoshop CS6

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