Rest API Using MongoDB and NodeJS: Beginners Guide


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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
All Levels
3 hours
32 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Chandan Kumar
  • Basic development of Restful API using Node JS and MongoDB
  • Swagger Open API Documentation
  • MongoDB in details


Basic and Important tutorials for Rest API and MongoDB

This course is all about Node JS and Node.js can be used in database applications.

One of the most popular NoSQL databases is MongoDB.

This course will give you insight about

  • Rest API using NodeJS

  • POSTMAN Tool

  • MongoDB Queries

  • MongoDB Aggregation

  • MongoDB pipeline for NodeJS

  • Integration with NodeJS application

  • Insert, Update, Delete data from Node JS to MongoDB using API

In this course, you will learn all the below-mentioned topics:

1. Node JS-installation

2. Visual Studio Code- Installation

3. Node JS Project Creation

4. Create the First API

5. Get Request

6. Postman installation

7. Get Request with Param

8. POST request

9. PUT Request

10. DELETE request

11. MongoDB installation

12. MongoDB compass Installation

13. MongoDB compass basic queries

14. MongoDB - FindSort

15. Aggregation -$match

16. Aggregation -$project

17. Aggregation -$addFields

18. Aggregation - $sort

19. Aggregation -$group

20. Aggregation -$unwind

21. Pipeline for Node

22. How to fetch data from MongoDB in node js

23. How to insert data to MongoDB from node js

24. How to update data in MongoDB from node js

25. How to update data in MongoDB from node js

26. Swagger Open API Documentation (OpenAPI, Swagger Tool, Swagger UI)

In this tutorial, you will learn end-to-end restful API development using Node JS, Express Js, and MongoDB.

Also, I have explained about the postman tool for API Testing.

This course will help you to start working as a full-stack developer.

So, don’t wait for the magic, and let’s get started with this amazing course.

If you have any queries, please do let me know.

My email id: [email protected]

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