React Next.js - Cookie Based Secure Authentication System


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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
All Levels
5 hours
37 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Ryan Dhungel
  • Learn to implement secure authentication system using cookies
  • Learn to use cookies instead of local storage
  • Learn to integrate react and nextjs project with nodejs express and mongodb API
  • Learn to protect your API with CSRF (cross site request forgery) attacks
  • Learn to create protected pages
  • Learn to use context API to build your own redux like state management
  • Learn to use Ant design and Bootstrap 4 with react and nextjs
  • Learn to build a boilerplate project that can be used as a base for all your future projects


Learn to build secure production ready react apps with cookie based authentication system instead of using local storage

All great apps requires secure and performant authentication system before going live. There is a lot of discussion about the insecurities associated with saving JWT tokens in local storage for authentication purpose.

Generally cookies are considered much better solutions when it comes to building secure authentication. HTTP only cookies are not accessible to JavaScript in browser unlike local storage. Your server will issue http only cookie to the client (browser) and it will include cookie in it's headers each time a request is sent to its origin server. So your server will have control over the cookie it issues.

With the help of some npm libraries, we will also be able to protect ourself from CSRF (cross site request forgery) attacks which are generally associated with cookie based authentication.

By the end of this course not only you will have build a production ready fast and secure authentication system, but also have a solid boilerplate project that can be used a base starter kit for all your future projects. This way you save a lot of time and headache of setting up the base project with login, registration, authentication, protected pages etc

So if you have been concerned about the security of your apps, this course is your ultimate solution.

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