Python for Absolute Beginners


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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
14 hours
102 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Mark Winterbottom
  • Python
  • Programming
  • Python Best Practices
  • Python Basics
  • Basics of Python


The foundations you need to a) master the language and b) truly understand WTF is going on

Welcome to Python for Absolute Beginners: These are the MUST learn foundations.

This course is designed to teach an absolute beginner the basics of Python.

Python is a language that needs no introduction. It’s incredibly powerful, versatile, fast and it’s easy to learn.

However, given its rapid rise in popularity over the last few years, there are loads of tutorials and guides out there which teach bad practices.

Our goal is to change that, by creating a course which gives you a head start, by teaching best practices and underlying concepts.

This course covers:

  • The foundations of Python such as how to setup your machine, using the tools, syntax, packages and virtual environments

  • How to organise your code using conditions, functions and modules

  • Working with data and large files, and Object Oriented Programming

  • Handling errors and exceptions, using various debugging tools

  • Connectivity with third part services

To take this course, you will need:

  • Access to a computer running Windows or macOS

  • An internet connection

  • A positive can-do attitude

This course combines the best of both theoretical explanations and hands-on coding challenges, into a complete beginner course to get you started with Python.

As we emphasise in the trailer, a positive attitude is needed for programming. Although this course is designed for beginners, each person learns at their own pace and style.

Programming is a hard concept to grasp in the beginning, but with repeated practice, patience, and self-love you will come to understand it.

Don’t be discouraged if you have to re-watch sections over-and-over again.

Reach out to other developers, especially those at the same level as you.

I taught myself how to code as a child by connecting with other developers online. I shared problems with them, studied their code, shared my code, and applied the problem solving method covered in the introduction of this course (it’s free to watch). 

I also helped other developers fix their problems, which was key for cementing my knowledge and contributing to the community.

So, if you get stuck don’t be afraid to ask questions, and if you know the answer to someone else's question, don’t be afraid to answer it. This will help you learn faster, and build your profile in the developer community.

And if no one else answers, I do my best to respond to all students' questions within 7 days.

Ready to get started?

See you in the course.

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