Portrait Photography: Natural Light for Unique Atmospheres

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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
2 hours
13 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Danny Bittencourt

Creating ambiance in your photo portraits means being able to convey even more meaning and depth. Photographer and writer Danny Bittencourt specializes in artistic images that express both emotions and stories using natural light as a compositional element.

In this course, learn to build an atmosphere to shoot photo portraits using natural light. Danny teaches you to prepare your shoot right down to the last details, then shows you how to edit and polish your material for a striking portfolio.

Alongside Danny you can also learn Fine Art Self-Portrait Photography and Hybrid Photography for Creative Experimentation as well as boost your career with Professional Photography: Managing Your Freelance Career.


Learn to take portrait photographs that evoke emotion by using natural light as a compositional element

To start off, learn a little about Danny Bittencourt's journey so far and the importance of portraiture throughout her career. She also shares her biggest influences and how they've inspired her work.

Next, discover how to use narrative and ambiance to compose images interlaced with meaning. Danny teaches you to explore different types of light from windows and use its natural effects to create the mood you're looking for.

Now it's time to prepare your photoshoot! Put together a detailed storyboard including everything from photographic plans to external elements such as clothing, location, and color scheme. Then take a look at how to assemble equipment as well as build your set before you start shooting.

Wrap things up by choosing your best images and move onto post-production in Adobe Photoshop. Danny gives you some final tips to strengthen the atmosphere of your piece and turn heads in the photography world with an impactful portfolio.

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