Paper Tailoring: Illustrating with Scissors

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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
2 hours
10 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Sr. García

With the help of scissors and your imagination, Mr. Garcia will teach you how to make a collage that you will use to illustrate an editorial article. You will know several ways to approach an assignment and solve it in a short time and you will learn to achieve a result that impacts the viewer, both in the aesthetic and communicative sense. In addition, Mr. Garcia will teach you how to work with the raw material: paper, showing you where to find good cut-out material and some very easy-to-use tools. Irony, surrealism and a lot of old magazines. Welcome to Mr. García's paper tailoring (please, pencil and mouse are not allowed).


Learn to illustrate an editorial article with the collage technique

In this course, Mr. García will tell you his references, his inspirations and he will show you where to get good graphic material to make the collages (we will investigate by El Rastro). Once you have the necessary material to work, it will show you three different cases of illustration: An illustration based on a keyword, an illustration based on a key image and an illustration that summarizes an extensive article. Finally, Mr. Garcia will give you recommendations and tips to develop your illustration, knowledge that he has learned throughout his professional career as an illustrator and collagist and that can be useful when it comes to focus on both communication and design of your works.

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