Paper Flower Craft Techniques

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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
1 hour
15 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Eileen Ng

Imagine capturing the beauty of nature with something as simple as paper. Eileen Ng, also known as Eileen Handmade, does just that. Fascinated with the natural world from a very young age, the craft artist and maker creates unique floral installations and sculptures that breathe life into any space.

In this course, explore organic textures and shapes by cutting and shaping paper into botanical masterpieces. Eileen teaches you how to make realistic petals, leaves, and stems using basic materials like paper, twigs, and wire. Once your arrangement is complete, find the ideal location and fill your environment with natural harmony.


Learn how to use paper to create a wide variety of everlasting blooms and foliage

Get started by learning a bit about Eileen, her professional life, and her background as a craft artist and maker. Take a look at one of the pieces that she enjoyed making and discover how it led her to work with the materials she uses today. Explore some projects by her favorite artists and learn why she finds their work so inspiring.

Then, move on to learning about the different tools and materials. Discover why different types of flowers and foliage tend to appear in floral arrangements, and see how various styles work well for different vases. Get some insight into Eileen’s favorite techniques for making petals and the centre of the flowers.

Eileen explains different kinds of vases, giving you tips on how to choose one and where to place it. Learn how to create a color palette for your floral arrangement by experimenting with different combinations and the techniques used for creating stems. Put everything together to create a complete flower and a branch of leaves before learning how to arrange your flowers and foliage in a vase.

Wrap things up by learning what to consider when finding the ideal location for exhibiting your final creation. To finish, get some tips on how to care for and maintain your floral arrangement in order to maximize its lifespan.

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