Orthotypography for Designers

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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
3 hours
18 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Raquel Marín Álvarez

Raquel Marín (Lalolagráfica) is a graphic designer and expert in typography. It is specialized in orthotypography, that is, the set of rules that govern the correct use of typography.

In this Domestika course you will learn the correct application of the signs and symbols found on the keyboard and in the menus of the programs with which you design (quotes, dashes, stripes, brackets, voladitas, acronyms, italics, small caps ...)

Do not forget that a graphic designer, as a visual communicator, must constantly issue typography messages and it is vital to do it correctly.


Learn in great detail the typographical standards for the characters you design with

You will begin knowing more in depth the work and the influences of Raquel Marín.

Next, Raquel will explain what orthotypography is and where the responsibility of a graphic designer begins and ends in its correct application.

Then, through some examples, you will see the most common lack of orthotypography and perform some level tests to test your knowledge.

Next, Raquel will show you the differences between sign and symbol, examples of the different employment possibilities and how to make the most of her expressivity by defining her functions. Once we have analyzed all the signs we have in typography and how they are used correctly, we will go on to study what are the distinctive types and how their use helps us to emit clearer and more effective messages visually.

Finally, Raquel will give you 10 tips to solve common problems in the use and application of typography and be able to get through all of them.

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