Node.js REST API with Express & MongoDB - Solid Architecture


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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
All Levels
3 hours
29 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
RapidDev Pro
  • REST API in Nodejs, Expressjs and MongoDB with MVC architecture.
  • Secure REST API with JsonWebToken ( JWT )
  • Swagger documentation of your REST API on your API server itself.
  • REST API Design.
  • MongoDB Mongoose schema and models.
  • Create Re-usable services in REST API.
  • Login/Authenticate API to generate token.
  • CRUD API in Nodejs
  • Create, update, delete and find query using mongoose.
  • Create list pagination API using mongoose pagination query in Nodejs.


Build MVC Rest API with Node.js, Express & MongoDB. Secure REST API with JWT, document API with Swagger, Mongoose ODM

Want to learn how to build REST API with Nodejs, Express, and MongoDB ?? If yes, then this course is for you. In this course you will learn how to create MVC pattern REST API architecture in Nodejs, communication with MongoDB using Mongoose, Securing API with JWT ( JSON web token) and documenting API using popular open-source tool called swagger.

We are in the world of REST API architecture because of the boom in the micro-services. Every company is moving toward REST API architecture from traditional monolithic server architecture.

What is REST API ?

A RESTful API is an application program interface (API) that uses HTTP requests to GET, PUT, POST and DELETE data. 

Why MVC Pattern in REST API ?

MVC pattern/architecture allows you to decouple your code into various modules such as controller, services, models and routes so that you can scale your code without any burden of code maintenance as all the nodes in the MVC architecture works in sync and as expected.

You will be learning the following things in this course:

♦  REST API in Nodejs and Express.

♦  MVC Architecture in REST API Nodejs.

♦  Interaction with MongoDB in nodejs using mongoose.

♦  Create, update, delete and find query using mongoose.

♦  Create pagination API using mongoose pagination query in Nodejs.


♦  Use tools such as POSTMAN to test API.

♦  Write middleware in Nodejs .

♦  Joi object schema validation in Nodejs.

♦  Host swagger documentation of your REST API on your API server itself.

♦  Create Re-usable services in REST API.

♦  Enable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing (CORS) in Nodejs REST API.

♦  Mongoose schema and models.

♦  HTTP request basics: Request body, path params, query params, and headers.

♦  CRUD API in Nodejs.

♦  Login/Authenticate API to generate a token.

♦  REST API Design.

♦  Node and NPM.

♦  and more.

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