Mobile E-Commerce with Flutter, Redux, and Stripe


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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
All Levels
7 hours
45 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Reed Barger
  • How to make impressive, functional, mobile e-commerce projects with Flutter


Build an online marketplace for your mobile apps!

Looking to build impressive, real-world e-commerce apps with Flutter?  This is the course for you.


A full-stack e-commerce mobile application from scratch, with a complete shopping cart for authenticated users as well an entire customer checkout.

It will be a complete app with an eye-catching UI using the Flutter Material Library, Redux for global state management, Redux Thunk for async actions, a complete API with custom controllers with the help of Strapi, with our app data stored in a cloud MongoDB Atlas database, User Authentication with Register / Login.

This course will give you the core structure and techniques to build any sort of mobile store with Flutter, no matter the product or service you sell.


  • Redux for global state management in Flutter Apps

  • Asynchronous actions in Redux with Redux Thunk

  • Processing Payments in Flutter using Stripe

  • Using the Stripe Node Library to Execute Charges, Add / Manage Customers and Credit Cards

  • Async / await functions in Flutter, making authenticated requests

  • Rapidly building a highly functional REST API with Strapi

  • Managing / Storing API Data with the MongoDB Atlas Cloud Database

  • Designing Attractive Flutter Apps with the Material Widget LIbrary

  • Persisting data locally in Flutter with SharedPreferences

  • Decoding/encoding, serializing/deserializing JSON data with Dart

  • Navigation / Routing in Flutter

  • Using Themes in Flutter to Share Color / Text Style Across Apps

  • Constructing Forms / Managing Form State in Flutter Apps

  • Securely Register / Login Users with JSON Web Tokens

  • Form Validation / Error Handling in Flutter

  • Displaying Notifications with Snackbars

  • Multi-Child Layout Widgets; i.e. ListViews, GridViews, TabBars, etc

  • Custom Material Theme Styling

  • Formatting Dates in Flutter with the Intl Library

  • Working with Maps, Lists and Essential Map/List Methods

  • And much more!


This course is truly for anyone looking to use Flutter to build real-world, production-ready mobile apps, beyond the level of an introductory course.

It is ideal for new Flutter developers looking to get their hands dirty with a real-world project by building a sophisticated, full-scale app as well as for JavaScript / React developers. The material is centered around teaching you practical techniques, not dry, abstract concepts, devoid of any actual application. My goal is to show you how to get things done, while giving you a solid understanding of why we do it and how it is helpful along the way.

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