Learning Through Play with LEGO® Braille Bricks


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Course overview

Course type
Free trial availiable
8 hours
Course author
Marc Angelier


Discover the benefits of using a play-based approach to teaching children braille – and life skills – using LEGO Braille Bricks.
Experience the benefits of play to engage children with learning braille

Children are engaged in learning from birth – tackling problem solving, communication, collaboration, and exploration from their earliest weeks.

An often-overlooked way that children learn is through play. On this course you’ll discover the principles of learning through play, and how to apply these when teaching pre-braille and braille, using LEGO Braille Bricks.

Apply a play-based method to teaching braille skills

You’ll explore how to foster a breadth of skills in all children, recognising the value of playful facilitation in learning.

You will also discover how the LEGO Braille Bricks concept can be used in inclusive education, allowing visually impaired children to interact with classmates in a fun and interactive way.

Reflect on how to experiment and collaborate with learning

You’ll be encouraged to share learning ideas with others, and collaboratively develop further LEGO Braille Brick activities.

Get playful tips and tricks from the LEGO Foundation’s pedagogy experts, and come away confidently able to create your own braille activities and lesson plans.

Learning Through Play with LEGO® Braille Bricks
  • English language

  • Recommended provider

  • Certificate available