Learn to Program Alexa

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Course overview

Course type
Free online course
9 hours
7 lessons
Available on completion


Why Learn Alexa? With a comprehensive understanding of the process for developing a custom Alexa skill, you’ll be prepared to publish your own program and work with other Voice User Interface (VUI) applications. Take-Away Skills: In this series, you will learn how to create a simple “Hello Codecademy” Alexa skill. You will build the interaction model and Amazon Lambda function that responds to a user’s voice with a personal welcome message. Though it is not a prerequisite for most of the content in this series, a basic understanding of JavaScript will help you understand the programming logic in this course series. Amazon Alexa recently released a new version of the Amazon Alexa SDK. The Alexa courses in this series teach the old version of the Alexa SDK. We are working to update these courses over the coming months. While the changes between versions are small, we recommend you take these courses, then read about the latest version of the Alexa SDK on GitHub. In the introduction to Alexa series, you will build Alexa skills that respond to a user’s voice with custom messages, like this:

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