Learn Python From Scratch

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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
All Levels
8 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Istiak Ahamed Sishir
  • Introductions
  • Command Lines
  • Data Types
  • Variables & Numbers
  • Strings , List & Tuples
  • Functions & Booleans
  • Comparison Operator
  • Satatements
  • Object Oriented Programming


Learn and Understand Python from scratch.A hands on course to learn Python programming

This Python course has everything you need to know to start coding in Python and not even that, by the end of the course you will know how to build complete programs and also build graphical user interfaces for your programs so you can impress your employer or your friends. I will guide you step by step starting from the basics and always assuming you don't have previous programming experience or a computer science degree. In fact, most people who learn Python come from a vast variety of careers.

This course is designed to not only teach you Python, but to also give you a real feel of how to use Python in a real enviornment. You will get this real-world experience of using Python by gaining free access to a remote server where Python is already installed. You will write and run Python programs directly on that remote computer in an easy fashion by simply using your internet browser. This will also allow you to run Python programs 24/7 on that server and let the apps do interesting tasks while you sleep. That will make you understand the real power of Python in a real server environment and I will guide you through the entire process.

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