Learn Java8 Streams By Coding it with Hands on Example


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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
6 hours
38 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Arun Ammasai
  • Learn about Java8 Streams with Hands on Example


Stream and Parallel Stream in Java8

This Course basically designed for the people who have knowledge in prior knowledge about java.

We will cover the Followings in this course,

1. Sequential Streams

2. Parallel Streams

Here the Sub Topics we are going to cover in this tutorial,

  • Introduction to Functional Interfaces

  • Streams Introduction

  • Streams Introduction 1

  • Streams Example Part 1

  • Streams Example Part 2

  • Streams Example Part 3

  • Streams Map Example Part 1

  • Streams Map Example Part 2

  • Streams FlatMap Example Part 1

  • Streams FlatMap Example Part 2

  • Streams FlatMap Example Part 3

  • Streams FlatMap Example Part 4

  • Streams Filter Example

  • Streams Reduce Example Part 1

  • Streams Reduce Example Part 2

  • Streams Filter Map Reduce Example

  • Streams MinBy, MaxBy Example

  • Streams Limit Skip Example

  • Streams AllMatch, AnyMatchExample

  • Streams FindAny , FindFirst Example

  • Streams Factory Method Example

  • Numeric Stream Example

  • Numeric Stream Factory Method Example

  • Numeric Stream Factory Aggregation Method Example

  • Stream Boxing and UnBoxing Example

  • Numeric Stream Map Example

  • Stream Joining Example

  • Stream Mapping and Counting Example

  • Stream Summing and Averaging Example

  • Stream Grouping By Example Part 1

  • Stream Grouping By Example Part 2

  • Stream Partitioning By Example

  • Sequential vs Parallel Stream Example Part 1

  • Sequential vs Parallel Stream Example Part 2

  • Sequential vs Parallel Stream Use Case

  • Parallel Stream When Not to Use Case Part 1

  • Parallel Stream When Not to Use Case Part 2

  • Happy Learning !!!

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