Leadership for Creatives: Find Your Own Style

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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
2 hours
12 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Gillian Davis

At its core, leadership is about understanding who you are as a person and being true to that. Leadership expert Gillian Davis helps individuals and teams find the right leadership style to scale their work quickly and effectively. She has worked with brands like Spotify and WeTransfer, and has published her own book, First Time Leader.

In this course, she gives you the tools you need to discover your leadership potential and become a more adaptive, compassionate, and effective leader for yourself and others. Are you ready to find the authentic leader within you?


Learn to become a more adaptive, compassionate, and effective leader while staying true to your authentic self

Begin by getting to know leadership expert Gillian Davis. She shares her unconventional journey as an entrepreneur before delving into the influences that have inspired her style of leadership, from books to her family.

Learn the difference between leading and managing, as well as the importance of self-awareness for effective leadership. Discover your own leadership style and how to be authentic with it. Then explore Pendulum Theory and how to get comfortable with being uncomfortable.

Understand how to create a clear vision, purpose, and leadership style. Then identify your strengths and challenges as a leader using a case study as a guide. Create a vision statement, set goals, and define your values to help you stay focused on your journey as a leader. Discover concepts like imposter syndrome and how to overcome them confidently. Then look at ways to stay motivated and deliver your best work for clients.

Explore the foundations needed to be an effective leader in the long run, from seeking feedback to delegating. To finish the course, Gillian shares her tips for navigating challenges and consistently setting yourself up for success.

Leadership for Creatives: Find Your Own Style
  • English language

  • Recommended provider

  • Certificate available