Jon Kabat-Zinn Teaches Mindfulness and Meditation

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Course overview

Course type
Free trial availiable
6 hours
20 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Jon Kabat-Zinn
A pioneer of the Western mindfulness movement, Jon Kabat-Zinn has spent more than 40 years studying, teaching, and advocating the benefits of mindfulness. In his MasterClass, he teaches you how to cultivate a mindfulness practice, reduce your stress, and soothe your thoughts with meditation and movement. Jon shares expert tips and guidance that meets you where you are. Let this class help you make the most of being alive.


Mindfulness expert Jon Kabat-Zinn teaches you how to incorporate meditation into your everyday life to improve your health and happiness.
Jon Kabat-Zinn Teaches Mindfulness and Meditation
  • English language

  • Recommended provider

  • Certificate available