JavaScript: The Modern Engine Parts


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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
6 hours
31 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
The Code WareHouse
  • Everything related to Functions, from Scratch to Master Functions in Javascript!
  • What is a Function, the use of the Return Statement, The Difference between Function Parameters and Arguments.
  • How to define different kind of Parameters in Modern Javascript and how to use them, including ES6 to ES9 features, such as Default Parameters And Rest Parameters.
  • How to extract data from Arguments, by using The latest features of Javascript, such as Spreading syntax and Destructuring Assignments.
  • Understand complex features like Scope in JavaScript in order to avoid errors in your code.
  • Learn advanced concepts such as the use of this in JavaScript and its importance


Master JavaScript Functions from Novice to Ninja by using the Modern JavaScript, including ES6 to ES9 features.

When you learn Modern JavaScript , it's essential to get the concepts of functions to be able to understand the most essential parts of the program. This course we will learn how JavaScript functions work and its main features and how they are useful to us in the JavaScript language.

In this course we explore the latest  techniques including features since ES6 to ES9.

You will learn the most used concepts in modern frameworks like React and Angular such as Destructuring, Rest parameters and Spread Operator.

We also cover the new syntax for functions in JavaScript, they are known as Arrow functions, we explore its syntax and uses in modern JavaScript.

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