JavaScript Programming from A-Z: Learn to Code in JavaScript


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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
All Levels
4 hours
40 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Euan - JavaScript Programming
  • The basic structure of JavaScript
  • The components of JavaScript
  • Learn how to write clear and effective code
  • Understand where to place JavaScript code for best results
  • Learn how to use variables and operators
  • Learn how to use arrays
  • Learn about the power of functions
  • Learn how to work with objects
  • Discover what are conditional statements and how to create them


JavaScript: Learn to write clear & efficient code in JavaScript. Learn JavaScript. Complete JavaScript Guide. JavaScript

JavaScript lies at the root of every modern web application, from social apps like Twitter to browser-based applications like Phaser and Babylon. Web developers are using JavaScript to develop compelling features and improve the user experience.

JavaScript is a flexible, complex programming language that you can use to create full-scale applications.

This course dives deep into the JavaScript language to show you how to write beautiful and efficient code. It covers everything you need to know from JavaScript fundamentals to advanced topics, including objects, functions and methods. In order to make the learning process quick and easy, this course includes plenty of code examples with complete explanations of how to use it.

Whether JavaScript is your first programming language or you are learning it in order to make more complex web pages,, this course is a great place to start.

Why wait? Enroll today.

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