Java Lambda & Streams [Examples With Selenium WebDriver]


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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
All Levels
13 hours
192 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Vinoth Selvaraj
  • Become very comfortable with Java core concepts
  • Become a rock solid SDET with your Java skills
  • Java Lambda Expressions
  • Java 8 Stream, Filter, Map, Reduce
  • Predicate, Supplier, Consumer, Function functional interfaces
  • Keep yourself up to date with recent Java features
  • Write more readable & easily manageable code


Learn Java 8 Lambda, Stream, Functional Style Programming & How To Apply Them In Test Automation to be a rock solid SDET

Java is the one of the most popular programming languages. It has still been HOT even after 20 years! There is always huge demand in test automation for the candidates with skill set - Java + Selenium WebDriver. To advance your career in Test Automation and to do your job more efficiently, it is important to know all the basic and advanced concepts of Java well. That is what this is course all about!

A lot of Live coding & Assignments!

By end of this course, you will be comfortable with

  • Java functional style programming

  • Java lambda & streams

  • Writing clean code by using Polymorphism instead of ugly if-else/switch blocks

What will you learn?

  • Basics

    • JDK vs JRE

    • Primitive types

    • Reference Types

    • Mutation

    • Avoiding Mutation

    • Polymorphism

    • Abstract vs Interface

    • Collections

    • Wrapper classes

  • Lambda Introduction

    • What is lambda

    • Function as first class objects

    • Higher order functions

    • Method Reference

  • Java Functional Interfaces

    • Supplier

    • Predicate

    • Consumer

    • BiConsumer

    • Function

    • BiFunction

    • Runnable

    • Callable

    • default methods

    • static methods

    • Function AndThen vs Consumer AndThen

    • Rules Engine with Predicates

  • Stream

    • How Stream Works

    • Stream vs Traditional Loop

    • Intermediate Operations

    • Terminal Operations

    • Laziness

    • Reusing stream

    • source

    • map

    • Importance Of Map Operation

    • sort

    • peek

    • skip

    • filter

    • flatmap

    • min

    • max

    • sum

    • IntStream to replace for loop

    • dropWhile

    • takewhile

    • parallel processing

    • findAny

    • findFirst

    • count

    • anyMatch

    • noneMatch

    • making stream more robust

    • Lambdas for BDD projects

  • Optional

  • Collectors

    • toList

    • toSet

    • toMap

    • group by

    • join

  • Misc

    • JShell

    • Immutable Set

    • Immutable List

    • Java 10 - var

    • String API improvements

  • A lots of ASSIGNMENTS

    • ASSIGNMENT - Predicate - Remove Links Contains Letter S

    • Calculator Application

    • ASSIGNMENT - Google Links Text

    • ASSIGNMENT - Checkbox Selection

    • ASSIGNMENT - Finding Broken Links

    • ASSIGNMENT - Selecting Checkbox Based On Gender

    • ASSIGNMENT - File processing

    • ASSIGNMENT - Select Min Price Row

    • ASSIGNMENT - Hoverable Dropdown Selection

    • ASSIGNMENT - Payment Screen Testing

  • Page objects

  • Test Classes with Lambda

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