Java - Build a Desktop Application


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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
5 hours
24 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
John McNeil
  • Write a desktop application using the Java programming language and package up into an executable file
  • Creating and using a menu
  • Display dialog box with details about the author of the application
  • Implementing a generic method for writing an application log file
  • Package the application into an executable file for easy distribution
  • Basic image handling


Learn how to build a Desktop Application using Java and Swing with full step by step instructions and resources

What am I going to get from this course? –

  • How to implement all those standard Applications features
  • Adding a Menu bar to your application
  • Adding Help-About dialog box to your application
  • Using a Splash screen on startup to show progress
  • How to implement logging for your Application

The course is divided into 7 sections with each section taking you through an area of the application, with sections such as installing and testing your environment, building a menu and packaging up your application ready for distribution.

Delivery of course content is primarily through the use of video sessions demonstrating a specific point. At the end of each section you are able to run the code and explore the results.

At the end of the course you will be able to take the techniques covered in the course and apply these to your own development projects.

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