Introduction to Voice-Over Narration

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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
1 hour
12 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Sergio Zamora Solá

Sergio Zamora is a voice actor who dedicates his work to making movies and good books accessible to wider audiences. With 38 years' experience in the industry, he's played an immense range of characters like Freddy Mercury, Simba, and the star of True Detective. In this course, Sergio reveals how, in actual fact, a thousand words are worth more than a picture!

Dive into the world of voice acting and learn to use your voice to communicate exactly what you want in any situation. Join Sergio as you learn how to add emotion and purpose to your words by varying speed, volume, intonation, enunciation, and so much more.


Discover the potential of your voice and learn to use it to communicate in any situation

Start by getting to know your teacher Sergio Zamora. He tells you about his background in voice-over narration and some of the biggest influences on his work. He also shares how he got into dubbing and the positive impact it has had on his life.

Next, look at the basic materials you need for the course and then the extended format for your future projects. Not forgetting the most important tool of all, your vocal cords! Explore the different types of voice acting and learn how body movement and non-verbal elements play a vital role in your final delivery.

Train every thinkable facet of your voice by diving headfirst into an entertaining and diverse range of reading and voice acting exercises. Try your hand at sight reading with a text you've never seen before, then some descriptive and commercial narration exercises.

Sergio teaches you how to apply everything you've learned to your daily life, like avoiding redundant gestures and filler words. Then finding a body language style that naturally complements your discourse. To finish up, discover some top tips for keeping your voice and vocal tract in great condition.

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