Introduction to Human-Centered Design

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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
4 hours
22 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
23 Design

A design project was born with the aim of solving a problem. Identify and find the best solution is a task that requires time, research and empathy with people. Luis "Lulo" López, founder and CEO of 23 Design, is a specialist in solving problems through design with the methodology of Human-Centered Design , as can be assured by more than two hundred clients around the world for those who have developed designs focused on people.

In this course you will learn in a practical way the fundamentals of Human-Centered Design that will allow you to identify problems, visualize them, frame them and understand them to arrive at better solutions. You will also acquire a mentality that will make your work as a most valuable designer and a toolkit that you can use in your work or your personal projects to increase your chances of success.


Learn a methodology to develop design solutions focused on people

You will begin by getting to know the history of 23 Design at the hands of Luis López, who will show you the most important projects in which they have participated and the brands, people and agencies that are a reference in Human-Centered Design .

Then he will talk about the role of design in human evolution and the new role as a strategic agent within organizations, to introduce you to the design focused on people.

You will see that the design is still a 100% human activity and you will know the concepts of Design for Back, Convergence and Divergence, and the importance of collaboration with multidisciplinary teams.

You will discover the value of time to understand a problem to solve and avoid quick solutions.

You will learn, also, about the importance of empathy when it comes to investigating a problem, and you will know three research methods to explore the problem, understand it and organize it, and then move on to a visualization phase of the information gathered.

Finally, Luis will show you the tools they use in 23 Design to visualize the elements they find of a real problem, in order to arrive at design solutions that positively impact people.

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