Innovation for Impact (i4i) The Carlson-Polizzotto Method of Value Creation


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Course overview

Course type
Free online course
3 hours
Paid Certificate Available
Course author
Curtis Carlson
  • Explain the importance of understanding customer needs.

  • Describe how identifying key insights can improve a value proposition.

  • Identify the benefits of iteration and the role feedback plays in order to improve.


Welcome! Partnering with Tech industry giants Curtis Carlson and Len Polizzotto, Northeastern University brings you “Value Creation: The Carlson-Polizzotto Method” a short-form course experience like no other. Building careers by solving for the value proposition - Curt and Len are responsible for driving the integration of the software technology behind Apple’s voice command intelligent assistant and creating the standard for high definition television - now known to billions today as Siri and HDTV. So why do more than 50 percent of businesses fail? It’s because they are not identifying what their customers value. Watch Curt and Len coach 4 groups of professionals, each from distinctly different industries, tech, startup, education, and marketing, and learn alongside them as they use the Value Creation methodology to increase the power of their organization’s value proposition. Evaluate the benefits of implementing a Value Creation practice that can impact your own strategic business initiatives so you can successfully create your business’ value proposition.
Innovation for Impact (i4i) The Carlson-Polizzotto Method of Value Creation
  • English language

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  • Certificate available