Getting Started with NodeJS for Beginners


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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
All Levels
12 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
EDUmobile Academy
  • learn the basics of working with NodeJS
  • load Node Package Manager and work with any third party package
  • learn three ways to write and run a simple web server using node


Learn Basic of Powerful JavaScript Engine NodeJS with Core Libraries

NodeJs is a powerful JavaScript engine that can be used for a variety of tasks. In this course, we’ll learn the basics of working with NodeJS. We’ll work with the core libraries, but also learn about using npm: the Node Package Manager to load and work with any third party package that has been developed for NodeJS. We’ll also look at three ways to write and run a simple web server using node. 

The course is an hour long, and consists of two units. Topics include: 

- installation
- testing and verifying the installation
- introduction to the npm
- using the REPL utility
- file input and output

The course assumes that you are comfortable writing and understanding object oriented JavaScript. 

I hope you’ll join us for this exciting introduction to NodeJS.

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