Fullstack React & GoLang: Design to Reality Volume 1


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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
All Levels
25 hours
180 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Zach LaCourse
  • React with Pro Designs and Golang Backend Web Sockets / REST


React Hooks Golang Websocket Styled Components Visually Appealing Beast

Using Go Lang as our back end system and Mongo DB for Data strorage we will build a fluent React Hooks and Context front end with Styled Components and React Router. Asynchronous Web-Socket handling is a big focus on the back end with BCrypt user authentication and JWT Generation and Validation.  There is a huge dynamic touch with css flex and grid utilization as well for the front end. This course is Volume one of many to come after. Its is setup to be built / appended / added to.

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