European Business Law: Doing Business in Europe


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Course overview

Course type
Free online course
14 hours
Paid Certificate Available
Course author
Julian Nowag


This six-week course titled Doing Business in Europe is the second in a series of three exploring some of the main business aspects of European Union law. Besides providing learners with a sound knowledge base of European laws and regulations relevant to establishing and managing a company within the European Union, the course also explores business considerations within a broader perspective by including inputs from leading law practitioners in the field. More specifically, the course discusses strategic and financial considerations within Company law, as well as Labour law issues such as restructuring enterprises, working conditions and handling crises situations. The course also examines other legal areas such as Tax law, Environmental law and Private International law, and how they tie in to doing business in Europe.At the end of this course, you will have a basic understanding of how to: · Understand the relevant regulations governing the internal European Union market · Establish and run a company within the European Union · Employ staff and recognize workers’ rights and obligations · Comply with tax regulations and environmental standards · Set up agreements and resolve cross-border disputes · Successfully analyse EU case law and draft case reports About the Series The Lund series in European Business Law ranges from considering the basic structures and principles of the European Union to focusing on specialized areas of European Union law. The first course, Understanding the Fundamentals, examines the core structures and principles of the European Union. The third and final course, Competing in Europe, goes into depth concerning how to compete on the internal market and protect your brand, product or invention. All three courses can be taken independently or in sequence depending on your needs and preferences. To keep up to speed on the course series, visit our Facebook page at: Syllabus and Format Each course
European Business Law: Doing Business in Europe
  • English language

  • Recommended provider

  • Certificate available