Easy Exercises to Improve Your Vision

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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
10 hours
26 lessons
Course author
Eric Cobb
  • 26 Video lessons in HD
  • 10h 31m of class content
  • Exclusive bonus content
  • Lifetime access, anywhere, anytime
  • Streaming access on desktop and mobile browsers
  • Download and offline access with class purchase
  • Offline sync with our iPhone & iPad apps
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee


If you find yourself squinting at your computer monitor, frequently updating your glasses prescription, or suffering from headaches, this course will help you improve your vision by retraining your brain to better communicate with your eyes.

Dr. Eric Cobb, creator of the Vision Gym, will explain how many vision issues are caused by miscommunication between your eyes and your brain. You’ll learn customizable strategies and exercises that target and improve your specific vision issues. From self-massage to isometric exercises to simple eye chart assessments, you’ll gain an eyesight improvement toolbox that you can implement anywhere and at any time.

Easy Exercises to Improve Your Vision
  • English language

  • Recommended provider

  • Certificate available