Digital Fashion Mindset


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Course overview

Course type
Free online course
17 hours
Paid Certificate Available
Course author
Sean Chiles
  • Summarize the current state of digitalization and Digital Transformation in the fashion industry.

  • Develop your own approach to digitalization in your own practice and/or employment to maximize new personal and/or business opportunities.

  • Examine digitization and its sustainable practices in production and throughout the supply chain.


Digital Fashion Mindset is a collaboration between Parsons School of Design at The New School and The Digital Fashion Group Academy. This course teaches you to recognize the significance of the digital revolution in historical and present-day contexts and how it relates to the fashion industry’s ability to use technology creatively and collaboratively. Digital Fashion Mindset teaches you to recognize the significance of the digital revolution in historical and present-day contexts and how it relates to the fashion industry’s ability to use technology creatively and collaboratively. In this course, you will learn about the effects of the Industrial Revolution and its impact on the automation of textile production, which allowed the commercial sale of clothing. You will examine the digital revolution and how data collection and smart devices have changed the climate of fashion in all aspects of business. You will discuss key players in the industry who have adopted the digital mindset and how they embrace 3D software to minimize waste, reinvent sustainable production processes, and decrease costly physical labor. Throughout the course, you will see the effects the digital world and digital empowerment have on fashion, and the way it is redefining the industry for designers, entrepreneurs, and consumers. At the end of the course, you will use the knowledge you have gained into the digital mindset to create a compelling Digital Fashion Mindset Vision Statement and develop your own approach to digitalization by comparing the potential of digitalization in your own practice.
Digital Fashion Mindset
  • English language

  • Recommended provider

  • Certificate available