Creative Direction for Product Photography

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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
2 hours
12 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Josefina Mogrovejo

Photographer and art director Josefina Mogrovejo is a firm believer that strategically planning every detail of an image is the key to capturing the essence of a brand or product. This concept is what drives her never-ending quest for the perfect props to create eye-catching product photos.

Learn how to create the visual universe of a product by taking unique photos using the items you have at your disposal. By the end of this course, you'll know how to apply key concepts of creative art direction like composition, color, and lighting to enhance brand identities on social media.


Create a visual universe and enhance brand identity by defining the composition, color and lighting of your images

To begin, Josefina Mogrovejo tells you about her professional career leading up to working full-time in creative direction. She also shows you some of the artists that have greatly influenced her work and explains the course's final project.

Gather your materials and prepare everything you need to build a successful visual universe. Brainstorm ideas, choose a color palette, and design a mood board. Then, learn how to select the right props to creatively express your ideas.

Now grab your camera and get ready to photograph the product you've chosen. Try different layouts and analyze which one is the best fit for your visual universe. Learn different lighting techniques and arrange your composition to shoot the final photos in RAW format using a camera or your cell phone.

Finally, look through the photos you took, retouch your favorite one and share it on social media. Josefina also teaches you how to edit with Camera Raw, correct small defects in Photoshop, and use the VSCO app to edit photos taken with your cell phone.

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