Creation of Textile Jewelry

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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
3 hours
16 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Maria La Biyux

Resignify and value handwork is what Maria, a textile artist, does with her artistic and social project called: María la Biyux; Creating textile accessories full of color that bring life and power to the pieces, elevating them to the category of jewelry.

In this course you will learn to weave your own textile accessories, identifying the appropriate color range according to the piece and the person for whom they are intended. You will learn how to make fabrics, stretch them and cross them together to gradually transform them into unique jewels.


Learn to weave unique and full-of-life accessories

María will introduce herself and explain to you how María La Biyux came to create, a textile accessories project based on a social model. He will tell you about his interests, about what inspires her and what moves her.

You will review all the materials you will need during the course. You will define for what and who this textile piece will be and you will visualize its colors according to the qualities of the person. Maria will tell you about the colorimetry and about the deep connection that each of her pieces has with the color.

You will start making a textile accessory. You will cut and stretch the fabrics, folding them in half to transform them into your warps. Mary will explain what they are and guide you to create them. In the process he will also talk about rhythm and visual weight. You will learn to make a curve so that the collar is circular, and for this you must get three types of tensions (high, medium and low). You will finish by closing the necklace.

You will increase complexity, making a textile accessory of 2 colors and 16 warps (or strands). The challenge will be to have the same elasticity in the two types of fabric and achieve equalization.

Finally, you will make a single-colored textile necklace with 14 strands. It will be the most complex, since you must be very attentive to the order and quantity of threads that you must weave, without having the color as a guide, simply all your attention in the weaving process.

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