Core Python for Everyone


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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
7 hours
64 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Madhusudan Mothe
  • Python



As you know, there are so many Python courses available in the market. Then, you may think why do I learn through this course? You will definitely experience that its not just another  Python course.

The objective of this course is to spread quality knowledge of Python, in a simple and easily understandable language with practical examples. It can be used by a wide range of students, right from budding programmers to practicing professionals.

More specifically, students/teachers of diploma/degree engineering, BCS, BCA, BSC, MSC, MCS, MCA etc will be benefited.

Prior programming experience is not required to learn Python through this course.

Beginner who will start journey of learning  Python  via this course will definitely acquire sound knowledge of Pythion.

Happy Python Journey!!!


Q. I have never done programming as of now. Can I do this course?

Yes,  if you are familiar with basics related to computer even without any programming experienc you can easily  do this course.

Q. I have done programming in C/C++ etc.  Can I do this course?

Anyone who already have exposure of little bit programming can directly do this course from section 7.

Q. I am already Python programmer. Is this course useful to me?

Anyone who is already Python programmer can r go through the 9th section “Class”  & see if there is any value  addition in his/her knowledge.

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