Content Creation: Sustainable Social Media Strategies

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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
1 hour
13 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Tiago Henriques

Imagine having a strategy for creating social media content that is innovative and consistent while being adaptable and stress-free. Content creator and author Tiago Henrqiues makes this possible. His aim is to guide people through establishing sustainable strategies that work for them. In doing so he has gained over 200K followers on Instagram. Tiago has also collaborated with brands including Instagram and Notion, and published his own book Erra Uma Vez about the challenges and insecurities of creatives.

In this course, he addresses the common problems associated with content creation and shows you how to build an effective system for creating and scheduling your social media content. Explore practical approaches to strategy design that fit your routine, needs, and objectives, while also avoiding burnout. Take control of your content without it taking control of you.


Build flexible content strategies that save time and energy, without compromising on your creative goals

Begin the course by getting to know content creator and author Tiago Henriques as he discusses how he built his career, and what has motivated him and shaped his choices along the way.

Tiago provides an overview of what to expect from the course, before taking you through the note-taking app templates you can use to customize your content strategy structure. Learn how to gain clarity in terms of the goals for your content by asking yourself important questions and exploring the SMART strategy step by step. Then, dig into planning the type of content you want to produce that both connects to your audience and is aligned with your goals. Tiago also discusses establishing both macro and micro content topics.

Go through a series of creative prompts and exercises, guided by Tiago, on different ways to save time and energy when producing content. This includes looking at how to repurpose content you consume, and how to create content from observations and experiences. Then, build on the content strategy template from earlier in the course by adding creative prompts specific to your routine, skills, needs, and style.

Explore ways you can design a schedule for content creation that is flexible, consistent, and sustainable. Learn how to prioritise, reduce impromptu decision making, and how to build creative habits. Tiago also breaks down content formats, goals, and topics, to help with organizing your schedule. End the course with Tiago’s advice on managing expectations and reviewing your process when necessary. Learn how to expand and improve your system over time.

Content Creation: Sustainable Social Media Strategies
  • English language

  • Recommended provider

  • Certificate available