Complete Bootcamp 2021 of Learning Python : Visual approach


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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
All Levels
32 hours
62 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Raju Kumar Mishra
  • This course provides a visual approach to learn Python concepts and how to use the concepts to solve programming problems.
  • This course can be used as pre-requisite to move to other branches such as web development with python, statistics, machine learning, network programming etc
  • How to write clear Python code
  • Solve programming problems
  • More than 300 Multiple choice questions and More than 40 Interview questions and problem solving
  • Use Python to solve day to day problem
  • Python Interview preparation


Course by Kaggle Grandmaster, More than 300 Quizzes, Python Hands on coding, 40 Problem solving and Interview Questions

Complete Bootcamp 2021 of Learning Python :  Visual approach, makes you learn Python using visual approach. Visual approach means, using appropriate diagram and charts to make you understand fast and retain it for longer time. Every topic is followed by set of quizzes to refresh your knowledge and provide deeper understanding of every concept explained.  There are infinite number of problems included and with their solution. Problem solving help student understanding application of the concepts learned. Solution to the problems has been explained using visual approach. Visual approach of explanation will help learner understand  problem solving steps and concept, easily. Visual approach of explanation also improve problem solving skill in general. Many interview questions have been added with detail answers. Interview questions and answers help you to prepare for your interview and made you job interview ready. This course can be used as prerequisite course for many domains like Data science, Network Programming, Machine learning, Statistics, Web Programming, Programming Desktop Applications and many more ....  Following topics are discussed in this course

  • Introduction to Python, Variables, and Operators.

  • Python collections : List, Tuple, Sets, Dictionary, Frozen Set.

  • Python String

  • Conditionals, Loops, Comprehension, Ternary operator,

  • Python Functions.

  • More on collections : NamedTuple, DefaultDict, OrderedDict, and Counter.

  • IO in python and Python module.

  • Regular Expression In Python.

  • Object Oriented Programming concepts and its implementation in Python

  • Concept of  Inheritance  and its implementation in Python.

  • Exception Handling In Python.

  • Iterator and Generator.

  • Decorator.

  • Functional Python.

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