Children's Narrative: Create Lively Characters

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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
3 hours
14 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Idalia Sautto

The key to writing a relatable story is knowing all the details about the universe you're creating and, more importantly, the people who live there. Idalia Sautto is a writer, historian, and author of several children's books whose creative process involves practical research and gathering objects that trigger her imagination to create authentic characters.

In this course, learn how to write stories by developing a character based on their historical context. Create an engaging story for children's or young adult literature with a lively protagonist who is full of hopes, dreams, and memories.


Write a unique story based on the development of a character and their historical context

To begin, Idalia Sautto introduces herself and tells you about how a blend of history and literature shaped her personal interests. She also explains what it is about children's and young adult books that fascinates her and also shares her biggest influences.

Before you pick up your pencil, discover where to plant the seed of a story and how to make it blossom. Learn about the basic types of character conflicts and work with different literary devices to help you outline the plot of your story. Then, do a bit of research and create the historical context surrounding your character.

Study the Aristotelian plot structure and analyze the key parts that any story needs. Write several rough drafts and practice with three different narrative voices while you discover who your character is by exploring the depths of their personality, from their biggest dreams to their worst nightmare. Idalia then shows you how to edit your story using different structures.

Make some final adjustments to find your style and give your story a personal touch. Finish the course by editing your text and adapting it to the fanzine format–a simple way to self-publish and share your story with the world.

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