Cement Tile Design and Production for Beginners

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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
2 hours
14 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Juan Manuel Rossi

There are those who believe that spaces are capable of inspiring, expanding the imagination, and even improving the lives of those who inhabit them. Juan Rossi, carpenter, builder, and teacher, is one of those people. His passion lies in personalizing floors and walls by interpreting his drawings and crazy ideas. With his guidance, step into the world of tile design, both metaphorically and literally, by creating your own designs for decorating unique rooms.

In this course learn how to design and manufacture your own tiles from scratch using easy-to-find tools. Follow the artisan method step by step, working with colored cement to achieve professional results. By the end, you will understand how to create a new style of art and use it to breathe life into a unique space.


Learn the artisanal method for making cement tiles with professional finishes

Begin by getting to know the personal and professional journey of Juan Rossi. Learn about how he became interested in tile making and get introduced to the many uses and characteristics of tile. See some of Juan’s main influences and get a quick presentation of the course content.

The first step is discovering the importance of repetition when choosing your motif and recognizing that a simple design creates a new pattern when multiplied. Then, make a detailed list of all the materials that you will use to build the frame, compose the mold, and assemble the colors.

In the next unit, make a tile from scratch with the materials and motif you have chosen. Start experimenting with color and cement to achieve the right consistency and professional results.

Finally, Juan shows you some important aspects to consider for achieving the correct hardness in your tiles. To close the course, take a look at the curing process and learn how to ensure that tiles maintain their color and intensity.

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