AutoCAD Programming using C# with Windows Forms


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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
9 hours
63 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Arnold Higuit
  • Learn how to use Windows Form when developing AutoCAD Plugin using C#
  • Learn how to use different User Controls (Label, Textbox, Button, Listbox, ComboBox, GroupBox
  • Learn how to code behind the Form (e.g. Events, Methods and Classes)
  • Learn how to automate processing AutoCAD Drawings
  • Develop multiple projects and be comfortable with programming AutoCAD using C#


Learn by developing Real World Applications

This course will show you how to develop AutoCAD Plugins using C# and Windows Forms.

You will learn how to create your own professional or fancy looking User Interfaces.

You will learn how to process multiple drawings (e.g. converting DWGs to PDF automatically or extract objects into a text file) and many more.

You will be able to address the limitations of using the Command Line Interface.

You will also learn what is Event-Driven programming is.

And most importantly, you will learn by doing and developing real-world applications.

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