Advertising Creativity for all Audiences

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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
4 hours
28 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Daniel Granatta

Dani Granatta, specialist in advertising and innovation, will teach you to conceptualize, sell and produce your own advertising campaigns, either because you work on it or because you want to carry out any type of initiative or personal project and make it known to the general public.


Learn to conceptualise, produce and sell ideas

You will begin knowing the work and influences of Daniel Granatta.

Next, Daniel will explain the importance of knowing how to conceptualize and will make a brief tour of the history of advertising, some of its most famous brands and campaigns, the evolution of the platforms in which they lived and the needs of each of their publics .

In context, you will get to work learning to make mental associations with different techniques and you will discover the importance of playing with the point of view of the narrator.

You will learn what a brief is, how to write it and work with it, what a brand is, what are the territories of a brand, the difference between brands that say and brands that they make, how to build an insight and how to create the strategic planning document for a specific case

Then you will discover the criteria to distinguish a good idea from a bad one and tips to learn how to convince a potential client.

Finally, you will end up looking at the future analyzing technological issues, trends and consumers.

Advertising Creativity for all Audiences
  • English language

  • Recommended provider

  • Certificate available