Adobe® Dreamweaver® for Beginners

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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
5 hours
6 lessons
Course author
Janine Warner
  • 6 Video lessons in HD
  • 5h 7m of class content
  • Exclusive bonus content
  • Lifetime access, anywhere, anytime
  • Streaming access on desktop and mobile browsers
  • Download and offline access with class purchase
  • Offline sync with our iPhone & iPad apps
  • 100% satisfaction guarantee


Adobe® Dreamweaver® for Beginners is part of our special week-long event Adobe Creative Apps for Beginners.

There's a reason Adobe® Dreamweaver®is the most popular and user-friendly program for creating custom websites throughout the world. Millions of people have used it to create the face of their business online. However, creating amazing web pages always involves some basic HTML and CSS knowledge — even when using this one-of-a-kind program. This course, taught by "techy Translator" Janine Warner, will teach you all the basics you need to know to start building beautiful websites tomorrow.

Using a step-by-step approach, Janine will shepherd you through creating simple navigation menus, implementing web graphics, and take you all the way into publishing your website.

Adobe® Dreamweaver® web design software provides an intuitive visual interface for making and editing HTML websites and mobile apps. This is the perfect crash course for anyone looking to build strong, beautiful and effective web pages.

Software Used: Adobe Dreamweaver CC 13.0

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