Accelerated ES6 JavaScript Training


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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
6 hours
115 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Maximilian Schwarzmüller
  • Understand and Use the new Features and Concepts introduced with ES6
  • Get an Overview over the Language Additions and Changes
  • Confidently apply the new Syntax, new APIs and other new Features in Web Applications


Learn and Use the Future of JavaScript - Today!

​Learn modern JavaScript!

Knowing modern JavaScript, ES6 (ECMAScript 6), is extremely important in the world of JavaScript! ES6 adds tons of new features, methods, objects and helpers and the earlier you feel confident using them, the better!

JavaScript is the most important programming language in the web and it's constantly evolving. This course introduces you to the biggest "feature update" in the last couple of years: ES6 - which added a lot of new syntax features and improvements.

Get the "All-In-One" package today!

This course follows a hands-on, example-driven approach to show and explain all the important features added to JavaScript. This includes important syntax changes and additions like let, const, rest & spread operators and continues with Promises, the Reflect API, the Proxy API, Maps & Sets, tons of new methods and functions and much more!

At the end of the course, we'll even build a complete project, using many of the new Features shown throughout the Course!

Benefit from my knowledge as both a freelance web developer and a top-rated instructor with many years of experience.

As a freelance web developer, using JavaScript is my day-to-day work and therefore I always found it annoying the ES6 Resources are scattered out all over the web. I created this Course to share my knowledge on ES6 with you!

I also love passing my knowledge to other people and my various, top-rated courses as well as my successful YouTube channel are the best proof of that.

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