130+ Exercises - Python Programming - Data Science - Pandas


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Course overview

Course type
Paid course
147 lessons
Available on completion
Course author
Paweł Krakowiak
  • solve over 130 exercises in Pandas
  • deal with real programming problems in data science
  • work with documentation and Stack Overflow
  • guaranteed instructor support


Improve your Python programming and data science skills and solve over 130 exercises in Pandas!





  • 200+ Exercises - Programming in Python - from A to Z

  • 210+ Exercises - Python Standard Libraries - from A to Z

  • 150+ Exercises - Object Oriented Programming in Python - OOP

  • 150+ Exercises - Data Structures in Python - Hands-On

  • 100+ Exercises - Advanced Python Programming

  • 100+ Exercises - Unit tests in Python - unittest framework

  • 100+ Exercises - Python Programming - Data Science - NumPy

  • 100+ Exercises - Python Programming - Data Science - Pandas

  • 100+ Exercises - Python - Data Science - scikit-learn

  • 250+ Exercises - Data Science Bootcamp in Python

  • 110+ Exercises - Python + SQL (sqlite3) - SQLite Databases

  • 250+ Questions - Job Interview - Python Developer


  • SQL Bootcamp - Hands-On Exercises - SQLite - Part I

  • SQL Bootcamp - Hands-On Exercises - SQLite - Part II

  • 110+ Exercises - Python + SQL (sqlite3) - SQLite Databases

  • 200+ Questions - Job Interview - SQL Developer


  • 250+ Questions - Job Interview - Python Developer

  • 200+ Questions - Job Interview - SQL Developer

  • 200+ Questions - Job Interview - Software Developer - Git

  • 200+ Questions - Job Interview - Data Scientist




130+ Exercises - Python Programming - Data Science - Pandas

Welcome to the course 130+ Exercises - Python Programming - Data Science - Pandas where you can test your Python programming skills in data science, specifically in Pandas.

Some topics you will find in the exercises:

  • working with Series

  • working with DatetimeIndex

  • working with DataFrames

  • reading/writing files

  • working with different data types in DataFrames

  • working with indexes

  • working with missing values

  • filtering data

  • sorting data

  • grouping data

  • mapping columns

  • computing correlation

  • concatenating DataFrames

  • calculating cumulative statistics

  • working with duplicate values

  • preparing data to machine learning models

  • dummy encoding

  • working with csv and json filles

  • merging DataFrames

  • pivot tables

The course is designed for people who have basic knowledge in Python, NumPy and Pandas. It consists of 130 exercises with solutions.

This is a great test for people who are learning the Python language and data science and are looking for new challenges. Exercises are also a good test before the interview. Many popular topics were covered in this course.

If you're wondering if it's worth taking a step towards Python, don't hesitate any longer and take the challenge today.

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